Welcome to St Mary's Church
Sutterton, Lincolnshire

St Mary’s Church is a beautiful church set in pleasant surroundings near the centre of the village of Sutterton.

While the church is certainly hampered by the common problems that handicap village churches up and down the land, St Mary’s takes pride in having a positive and hospitable outlook to its place in the community and being a vital place of worship.

Besides the building being an architectural gem with a rich accessible history, it is notable for what takes place within it.


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Church News

Jelly Church – June 2024

Jelly Church – June 2024 800 599 Sutterton Parish Church

St MARY’s CHURCH – SUTTERTON JELLY CHURCH – JUNE 2024 9th June Our June Jelly Church started as usual with the Jelly Church Crew together with Father Mark laying out the tables for the Jelly…

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Monthly Church Draw – July 2024

Monthly Church Draw – July 2024 900 675 Sutterton Parish Church

ST.MARY’S – SUTTERTON MONTHLY PRIZE DRAW RESULTS – 2024 JANUARY 1st Mrs.J.Shoebridge 2nd Mrs.E.Thorpe 3rd Mrs.J.Hildred FEBRUARY 1st ASA Laboratories 2nd Ms.L.Powell 3rd Mr.G.Simpson MARCH 1st Mr.C.Scrupps 2nd Mrs.H.Morrell 3rd Mr.B.Scudder APRIL 1st Mr.S.Knight 2nd…

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A quiche and a crumble

A quiche and a crumble 1024 683 Sutterton Parish Church

Another of our £5 lunches coming up on Saturday July 27th from 11.30 to 1.30. No actual need to book but a phone call to Janice [460590] or Janet [460386] to say you are coming…

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